sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Santa Sofía corre el riesgo de ser convertida en mezquita

En una entrevista concedida a diversos medios, el vicepresidente del gobierno turco, Bulent Arinc (“islamista moderado”), ha expresado su deseo de que Santa Sofía sea sacralizada en mezquita. La amenaza que se deriva de esta manifestación se extiende a las iglesias del mismo nombre de Nicea (Isnik) y Trebizonda (Trabzon), que hasta ahora han sido utilizadas sólo parcialmente como mezquitas.

Este es el alarmado mensaje enviado por Alessandra Ricci, una arqueóloga italiana que vive y excava en Estambul y enseña en la Koç University:

As a Byzantinist working in Turkey, I feel the obbligation to share with the larger community of Byzantinists around the world, the latest in a series of statements by high ranking Turkish politicians about the conversion of the Aya Sofya in Istanbul into a mosque.
The interview below is with Vice PM Bulent Arinc, a member of the AKP ruling party and, commonly regarded as a moderate within the party and vis-a-vis PM ErdoganIn the interview, Arinc does put forth a strong and unconditional wish to see the Aya Sofya open for "ibadet".  Arinc does also pride himself for the successful conversion of two other Aya Sofya in Turkey - Iznik and Trabzon.
This email is to encourage all Byzantine Studies National Committees to initiate an internal dialogue among their constituencies in order to verify sentiments about this proposal and, to discuss a sustainable course of action.  Please, do feel free to circulate it widely.
In advance, I would like to extend my gratitude to those who will take this matter at heart.
Alessandra Ricci

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