sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Call for Papers: Intercultural Exchange in Late Antique Historiography (Ghent, 16-18 September 2015)

The research group Late Antique historiography (http://www.late-antique-historiography.ugent.be/home) at Ghent University is organising a workshop on
historiography and intercultural exchanges in Late Antiquity (300-800 AD), on 16-18 September 2015.

The workshop aims at engaging affirmed scholars as well as young researchers in an interdisciplinary discussion over cross-cultural contacts in Late Antiquity and their impact on the historiographical production in different languages, Latin, Greek, Armenian, Syriac, Persian, Coptic, Georgian, Arabic.

Confirmed speakers include:
A. Camplani (Rome), C. Zuckerman (Paris), F. Montinaro (Köln), P. Wood (London), A. Rigolio (Oxford), J. Scheiner (Göttingen), R. Forrai (Odense).

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