sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

La Central European University bajo amenaza

La Central European University es, en dos palabras, la universidad que George Soros creó en Centroeuropa después de la caída del Muro para ofrecer  a las nuevas generaciones de europeos nacidos en países ex-soviéticos una alternativa educativa en valores democráticos y liberales. En este contexto, se comprenderá que la mayor parte de los planes de estudio tengan que ver con el Derecho y la Economía. Pero la CEU también tiene un importante Departamento de Estudios Medievales con una rama de Bizantinística encabezada antaño por Niels Gaul y ahora por Floris Bernard, bizantinistas de prestigio que no necesitan presentación. Conozco de primera mano el alto nivel de formación que se proporciona en ese Departamento y la gran preparación de quienes obtienen allí su título de doctor y que proceden de países balcánicos y centroeuropeos. 
Pues bien, al parecer un cambio legislativo promovido por el gobierno de Orbán pretende provocar el cierre de la CEU.

Inmaculada Pérez Martín

Puedes unirte a la protesta contra esta amenaza en change.org.

Este es el comunicado del rector, Michael Ignatieff.

Dear Friends,
As many of you may be aware, legislation has been proposed to the Hungarian Parliament that, after careful legal examination, would make it impossible for CEU to continue its present operations in Budapest. This legislation is discriminatory and is targeted at our University, which has provided a world-class graduate education to thousands of students – in full conformity with Hungarian law – for over two decades. Our press release with details on the proposed legislation and CEU’s official response is here.
I want you, our dedicated community of supporters, to know that CEU’s Board of Trustees and administration will contest this legislation through every means possible, and your help will be invaluable. Please know that the legislation states that enrolled students can continue their studies and receive their degrees. Let me assure you that, under all circumstances, CEU will continue its operations. 

It is time to gather together to defend our institution and the principles of academic freedom. We urge you to communicate respectfully to your members of Parliament and other representatives (a sample letter is available here), and to publicly share your support for CEU, a proudly Hungarian and American institution of higher education, a university whose freedom is in danger.

We are heartened by the support already pouring in from around the world, and have created an #istandwithCEU page to share information about how you can help and keep you apprised of further developments. We welcome expressions of solidarity, suggestions, or offers of help to be sent to Support_for_CEU@ceu.edu
Thank you for your steadfast commitment to CEU and its mission.

Best regards,

Michael Ignatieff
President and Rector

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