lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Harvard Center for European Studies: Call for Applications for Visiting Scholars Program 2018-2019 & Kennedy Fellowship for EU Nationals

Os copiamos a continuación el email que nos ha llegado de parte de los coordinadores del programa de coordinación de investigadores visitantes del Center for European Studies de la Universidad de Harvard. Al final encontraréis una persona de contacto y el enlace al pdf de los dos programas que indica. Hasta el 15 de diciembre de 2017.

Dear Alumni of the CES Visiting Scholars Program,
I am writing to share with you the Call for Applications for the CES Visiting Scholars Program 2018-2019. You are the best possible ambassadors for this program, and I hope that you may share this information with other scholars who might be interested in this opportunity.
In addition, eligible scholars from European Union member states are encouraged to apply for the German Kennedy Memorial Fellowship, which provides a stipend of $60,000 for a research visit at CES from September to June. Both opportunities are described in the attached, and the application deadline is December 15, 2017.
Please circulate the Call for Applications to your professional academic networks, including any faculty, fellows, and recent graduates working on Europe. We would be most grateful if you could post this information on your website or distribute it to any relevant lists or via social media channels.
 Thank you in advance and please stay in touch!

Roumiana TheunissenProgram and Outreach CoordinatorMinda de Gunzburg Center for European StudiesHarvard University27 Kirkland StreetCambridge, MA 02138T.

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