miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Postdoc "The Legacy of the Psalms in Byzantine Poetry" Viena

Compartimos con vosotros esta oferta postdoctoral para cuatro años que nos han enviado los colegas austriacos. Para más información podéis contactar con Andreas Rhoby, cuyo email está al final del mensaje. El plazo de envío de candidaturas se cierra el 15 de marzo de 2018.

Postdoctoral full-time (40h/week) research position at the project “The Legacy of the Psalms in Byzantine Poetry”

Duration: 4 years (2018-2022)
Beginning: June 1st, 2018
Job location: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research, Vienna, Austria:https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/byzantine-research/
Description of subject area: “The Legacy of the Psalms in Byzantine Poetry: Book Epigrams and Metrical Paraphrases” is a joint project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Ghent University. It is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, project I 3544) and the Research
Foundation Flanders (FWO) and directed by PD Dr Andreas Rhoby (Vienna) and Professor Dr Kristoffel Demoen (Ghent). It aims to investigate the reception of the Psalms in some specific genres of Byzantine poetry, i.e. in metrical paratexts (book epigrams) and metrical paraphrases. In addition, the project will analyse the impact of the Psalms for Byzantine (religious) poetry as well as the context of poems dealing with the Psalms. More specifically, the aim of the project part carried out at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, is to provide the first full critical edition of Manuel Philes’ Metaphrasis of the Psalms (of almost 3600 fifteen-syllable verses) (partly ed. by G. Stickler 1992).
Duties: The position involves the critical edition of Manuel Philes’ Metrical Metaphrasis of the Psalms (the main text witness is cod. Vat. gr. 16). Moreover, the position includes the participation in meetings of the two research partners and the participation in the academic and organizational preparation of a one-day workshop on psalters and Byzantine poetry in Ghent and a one-day workshop on Manuel Philes’ poetry in Vienna. The successful candidate is also required to contribute to the editing of the proceedings of the Ghent workshop.
Payment: according to FWF’s standard personnel costs and salaries list for postdocs (gross salaries!):
The successful candidate will have:
  1. a PhD in Byzantine Studies with specific focus on Byzantine literature (preferably poetry)
  2. excellent knowledge of Ancient and Byzantine Greek
  3. editorial skills (and experience in editing Byzantine texts) including an excellent knowledge of Greek palaeography
  4. a very good knowledge of Byzantine literary, political and cultural history, especially of the Palaiologan period
  5. a substantial record of (peer reviewed) publications
  6. excellent knowledge of English (and preferably a working knowledge of German)
Application procedure: Applications must include a cover letter (max. 2 pages) describing the applicant’s qualifications, his/her interest in the subject and the additional expertise he/she expects to bring for the further development of the project. Also required are a CV (max. 2 pages; in list form, not as a narrative) and a complete list of publications. These documents are to be sent to andreas.rhoby@oeaw.ac.at. In addition, two letters of reference should be sent directly by the referees to andreas.rhoby(a)oeaw.ac.at.
Deadline of application: March 15th, 2018 (letters of reference must be received by this deadline as well).
Candidates will be notified about the outcome of their application by the end of March 2018.

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