martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

International Byzantine Greek Summer School (Dublín, verano de 2019)

Os dejamos aquí la información relativa a estos cursos de verano de griego bizantino en Dublín por si fueran del interés de alguno de nuestros lectores:

International Byzantine Greek Summer School
Trinity College Dublin
14 July – 10 August 2019

The Department of Classics at Trinity College Dublin is delighted to welcome back the International Byzantine Greek Summer School (IBGSS) in July–August 2019. This well-established course, directed by Dr Anthony Hirst in Belfast, Birmingham and Dublin since 2002, teaches Byzantine Greek at Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced level and allows early learners to engage with original medieval and late antique Greek texts from the start.

Course dates:
Level 1 Beginners: 14–27 July 2019
Level 2/2.5 Intermediate: 28 July – 10 August 2019
Level 3 Advanced Reading: 28 July – 10 August 2019

Further information:

  *   Please complete and return the form at
  *   Deadline: 12 April 2019
  *   Course fee: €450/two weeks

  *   Accommodation: can be booked on application to the course at €400/two weeks
  *   A limited number of student bursaries are available for this course.

If you have any queries, please contact Seán McCrum at smccrum.1949(a)

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