De actualidad

  • Ya disponible el nº 46 (2024) del Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Convocatoria al premio de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística a la mejor tesis doctoral sobre Bizancio. Puedes verla en este enlace.
  • Abierto el CfP para las XX Jornadas de Bizantinística que tendrá lugar del 4 al 7 de junio de 2025 en la Universitat de València. Puedes ver toda la información en este enlace (castellano) o this other link (English).
  • Ya disponible el nº 11 (2023) de la revista académica Estudios Bizantinos. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Ya tienes disponible toda la información sobre el Diploma de Experto en Bizantinística, ofertado por las Universidades de Alcalá y Complutense de Madrid, para el curso 2023-2024. Todos los detalles en este enlace.

Comunicado de condena de la SEB a Israel

Ante la matanza indiscriminada de civiles y la destrucción sistemática del hábitat del pueblo palestino y de sus medios de vida que el Estad...

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

Becas de Maestría en Humanidades (MA) en el John Rylands Research Institute de Manchester

MA Medieval Studies Studentships 2014-15

The John Rylands Research Institute is pleased to offer a number of studentships for study on the one-year MA in Medieval Studies (full time).
( The studentships will cover tuition fees, or fees and partial maintenance costs. The candidate must have a very good first degree (at least a high 2i), and must demonstrate an interest in some aspect of medieval studies relating to the strengths of the John Rylands Library's Special Collections.

Taught in the magnificent surroundings of the neo-gothic John Rylands Library, with the support of specialist librarians and world-leading academics, this interdisciplinary MA enables talented students of the highest calibre to pursue postgraduate research into the literatures, histories and cultures of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (c. 350-1550 CE).
Medieval Studies at Manchester has a long and distinguished history, with the University having produced some of the country's leading scholars. Graduates typically go on to further doctoral research and teaching posts in universities, as well as to advanced work in libraries and the cultural and heritage sectors.
Building on this previous success and following the creation of the John Rylands Research Institute, students enrolled on the newly restructured one-year MA benefit from having unrivalled access to the unique Special Collections of a National Research Library, alongside joining  an active research community of scholars of international standing. Unlike programmes offered at other institutions the Manchester MA is rooted within the Library's Special Collections, which offer a broad perspective on the medieval period from both western and eastern sources.
All students take a core course on the History of the Book in the Middle Ages, which incorporates handling sessions with key rare books and manuscripts from the Special Collections. Students then select modules from across the School, with options for 2014-15 including: 'Jews amongst Christians and Muslims', 'Wonders, Miracles and Supernatural Landscapes', and 'Troy Stories'.
In the final semester students undertake a substantial dissertation, giving them the opportunity to carry out independent and original research in an area of their interest. Many students go on to pursue research at doctoral level and beyond, and students are encouraged to continue within the nurturing environment of the John Rylands Research Institute or to move on to equally highly regarded research centres.
In order to apply for the course, please use the University's online application system.
( Your application must include the standard supporting documentation: two academic references; transcripts; degree certificate(s); English language test certificate (where applicable).
To apply for the studentship, please email and attach a supporting statement of no more than 500 words detailing the probable subject of your dissertation and your reasons for applying to the programme.
For subject specific guidance, please contact the Programme Director, Dr Paul White:; for general guidance, contact the Institute's research administrator, Miss Carla Liburd:
Deadline for applications: 31 July 2014