De actualidad

  • Ya disponible el nº 46 (2024) del Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Convocatoria al premio de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística a la mejor tesis doctoral sobre Bizancio. Puedes verla en este enlace.
  • Abierto el CfP para las XX Jornadas de Bizantinística que tendrá lugar del 4 al 7 de junio de 2025 en la Universitat de València. Puedes ver toda la información en este enlace (castellano) o this other link (English).
  • Ya disponible el nº 11 (2023) de la revista académica Estudios Bizantinos. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Ya tienes disponible toda la información sobre el Diploma de Experto en Bizantinística, ofertado por las Universidades de Alcalá y Complutense de Madrid, para el curso 2023-2024. Todos los detalles en este enlace.

Comunicado de condena de la SEB a Israel

Ante la matanza indiscriminada de civiles y la destrucción sistemática del hábitat del pueblo palestino y de sus medios de vida que el Estad...

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

CEMS Sixth International Graduate Conference (Nador, 30 mayo - 1 de junio)

Sixth International Graduate Conference: Cultural Entanglement, Transfer and Contention in Mediterranean Communities from Antiquity to the Present  (The Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies )

May 30-June 1, 2019
CEU, Nador 15

The Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (CEMS) at Central European University and its junior members are proud to announce the forthcoming sixth International Graduate Conference on Cultural Entanglement, Transfer and Contention in Mediterranean Communities. The conference will provide a forum for graduate and advanced undergraduate students working on the Eastern Mediterranean to present their current research, exchange ideas, and develop scholarly networks. 

Keynote Speakers  

Nicholas Purcell (University of Oxford)  
Arietta Papaconstantinou (University of Reading)  
Zeynep Türkyilmaz (Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin) 

Conference Description 

Marking the boundary of three continents, the Mediterranean has been one of the world’s premier zones of cultural interaction since antiquity. From the Romans to the Ottomans, the first caliphs to Queen Victoria, the powers who sought dominance over this sea reckoned with this history of multiplicity by appropriating its rich past and attempting to imitate and outdo their predecessors and contemporaries. Diverse communities, moreover, concomitantly sought to survive and prosper in competition and cooperation with one another. The aim of this conference is to work against the grain of disciplinary boundaries to better understand these processes of inheritance, transmission, and exchange both diachronically and synchronically. How were the cultures of Mediterranean communities particularized through accommodation to, modification of, and divergence from their shared pasts? How did rulers manage these shifting webs of diversity? What procedures drew boundaries between cultures, either successive or contemporary, if and when such lines can be drawn? What evidence and methodologies can be brought to bear to read genuine curiosity, selective accommodation, and outright rejection in these exchanges within and across polities in the Mediterranean?
Please see the program attached.

For more info see: