De actualidad

  • Ya disponible el nº 46 (2024) del Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Convocatoria al premio de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística a la mejor tesis doctoral sobre Bizancio. Puedes verla en este enlace.
  • Abierto el CfP para las XX Jornadas de Bizantinística que tendrá lugar del 4 al 7 de junio de 2025 en la Universitat de València. Puedes ver toda la información en este enlace (castellano) o this other link (English).
  • Ya disponible el nº 11 (2023) de la revista académica Estudios Bizantinos. Puedes ver su contenido en este enlace.
  • Ya tienes disponible toda la información sobre el Diploma de Experto en Bizantinística, ofertado por las Universidades de Alcalá y Complutense de Madrid, para el curso 2023-2024. Todos los detalles en este enlace.

Comunicado de condena de la SEB a Israel

Ante la matanza indiscriminada de civiles y la destrucción sistemática del hábitat del pueblo palestino y de sus medios de vida que el Estad...

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Bessarion's Treasure: Editing, Translating and Interpreting Bessarion's literary heritage International Conference, Venice, 4-5 April 2014

Estamos a las puertas de un importante evento que se celebra en Venecia sobre el legado de Besarión y se centra en sus obras, su biblioteca y las obras de arte que patrocinó.


Day 1: Friday, 4 April, 2014
Location: Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani
Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig

Address: Palazzo Barbarigo della Terrazza
S. Polo 2765/A, Calle Corner

11:45–12:00 Inaugural Address by PD Dr. Sabine Meine (Director of the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani), Prof. Dr. Albrecht Berger (Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Centro, President of the Byzantine Studies Association of Germany) and the Organizers (PD Dr. Sergei Mariev, PD Dr. Katharina Luchner, Dr. Monica Marchetto)

Session 1, chair: Albrecht Berger

12:00–12:20 Christian Brockmann (Hamburg): "Bessarions textkritische Arbeit in Platon- und Aristoteles-Manuskripten"
12:20–12:30 Discussion

12:30–12:50 Vito Lorusso (Hamburg): "Ergänzungen und Paratexte in einem Aristoteles–Manuskript aus dem Kreis des Bessarion"
12:50–13:00 Discussion

13:00–13:20 Fabio Pagani (Berlin): "Modern Philology as a Key to understand a Byzantine Quarrel: Bessarion vs. Trapezuntius"
13:20–13:30 Discussion

13:30–15:00 Lunch Break

Session 2, chair: Christian Brockmann
15:00–15:20 Antonio Rigo (Venezia): "Two unedited works of the young Bessarion: Oratio ex pers. Ioannis Lascaris Leontaris ad filium and Homelia in illud: Beatus vir qui invenit sapientiam"
15:20–15:30 Discussion

15:30–15:50 Annick Peters–Custot (Paris): "Bessarion's monastic rule, the modalities of the text's redaction, and its impact on the Italian–Greek 'basilian' monasteries"
15:50–16:00 Discussion

16:00–16:20 Claudia Ludwig (Berlin): "Aristoteles, Theodoros Metochites und Bessarion: Bemerkungen zum Codex Marcianus 239"
16:20–16:30 Discussion

16:30–16:50 Sergei Mariev (München): "Discovering Bessarion. Philological and Philosophical Approaches to Bessarion's Texts)"
16:50–17:00 Discussion

17:00–17:15 Break

Key-note Address
17:15–18:00 John Monfasani (Albany): "Il Cardinale Bessarione e i latini"

18:00–20:00 Reception

Day 2: 5 April 2014
Location: Venice International University

Address: Isola di San Servolo
30100 Venice

Session 1, chair: Sergei Mariev

10:00–10:20 Georgios Steiris (Athens): "Michael Apostolis on Substance"
10:20–10:30 Discussion

10:30–10:50 Monica Marchetto (Palermo/München): "Logos and Physis. Platonism and Aristotelianism in Bessarion's De natura et arte"
10:50–11:00 Discussion

11:00–11:20 Eva Del Soldato (Philadelphia): "Bessarion among the Aristotelians"
11:20–11:30 Discussion

11:30–11:50 Grigory Vorobyev (St.–Petersburg/Roma): "Theodore Gaza’s translations and their sources"
11:50–12:00 Discussion

12:00–14:00 Lunch Break

Session 2, chair: Antonio Rigo

14:00–14:20 John Demetracopoulos (Patras): A Cultural Aspect of ‘Bessario Scholasticus’: the Latin ‘Quaestio’ as a Tool for Peacefully and Effectively Resolving Disagreement
14:20–14:30 Discussion

14:30–14:50 Panagiotis Athanasopoulos (Ioannina): "Bessarion’s Quotations from the ‘Thomas de Aquino Graecus’ and the ‘Thomas de Aquino Latinus’"
14:50–15:00 Discussion

15:00–15:20 Chrestos Triantafyllopoulos (London): "Bessarion on the ‘Distinctio in Divinis’: a Chapter of Bessarion’s Thomism"
15:20–15:30 Discussion

15:30–16:00 Coffee Break

Session 3, chair: Fabio Pagani
16:00–16:20 Katharina Luchner (München): "Bessarion als Philologe am Beispiel von De natura et arte"
16:20–16:30 Discussion

16:30–16:50 Frederick Lauritzen (Bologna): "Bessarion's speech before the Synod of Trebizond"
16:50–17:00 Discussion

17:00–17:20 Aslihan Akışık (Istanbul): "Bessarion’s Enkomion of Trebizond"
17:20–17:30 Discussion

17:30–17:50 Delphine Lauritzen (Paris): "Bessarion and the Planudean Anthology"
17:50–18:00 Discussion

18:00–18:15 Concluding Discussion

The Conference is organized by Sergei Mariev, Monica Marchetto and Katharina Luchner on behalf of the Institute of Byzantine Studies of the University of Munich with the support of the German Research Foundation and the Department of Cultural Studies of the LMU University of Munich and in collaboration with the Byzantine Studies Association of Germany (DAFBS), the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani (DSZV) and Venice International University (VIU).

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